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ERA 8 Start Date August 23, 2020 / End Date December 20, 2020
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
Shilaedra #21 3,503,007 Undead #18 #21 #22 #29
605,695,738 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 614,928,408,154 359,772,338,495 534,924,731,424 609,228,374,733
fen_ #22 1,440,000 Elves #22 #22 #24 #25
492,176,958 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 446,273,517,618 354,668,700,871 514,232,723,844 639,454,634,538
PrOdIgY #23 3,532,916 Elves #26 #28 #18 #24
687,374,809 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 335,563,839,326 244,786,987,532 658,365,310,895 644,079,927,478
CAPSLOCK_BROKEN #24 2,653,993 Undead #24 #30 #29 #19
562,254,262 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 361,389,880,163 212,701,756,687 466,175,757,866 773,464,975,537
Chaos-Conqueror #25 4,674,902 Undead #27 #20 #33 #33
725,215,673 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 330,936,995,460 432,407,547,225 385,165,347,294 482,086,955,369
Bogdan #26 2,640,907 Undead #29 #31 #28 #31
500,546,995 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 323,627,576,334 209,181,878,865 466,951,597,682 585,448,557,865
Lady_Rowan #27 4,987,693 Orcs #32 #37 #30 #28
803,442,792 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 277,576,538,567 171,560,975,860 437,417,566,990 610,203,862,759
Deso #28 3,843,075 Undead #33 #35 #31 #37
780,819,650 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 276,583,065,507 175,844,701,538 404,675,836,402 437,648,404,645
BloodPirate #29 1,455,129 Undead #35 #40 #34 #35
508,322,160 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 267,521,125,676 156,914,513,872 383,629,596,228 459,078,011,601
S7C7 #30 620,889 Hobbits #47 #34 #39 #26
240,264,345 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 229,912,499,107 191,295,262,479 344,361,003,689 627,708,124,306
BuBBles #31 1,342,351 Hobbits #34 #33 #43 #39
320,727,101 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 276,528,893,878 198,283,133,610 323,069,332,133 402,291,016,216
kissmyaxe #32 4,365,606 Undead #42 #43 #38 #27
789,550,512 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 239,634,931,294 148,032,007,559 344,720,465,070 626,487,706,762
Gonzalso #33 2,138,326 Hobbits #21 #65 #35 #41
445,690,050 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 500,499,132,530 108,966,836,522 380,177,176,600 384,832,392,200
FERO #34 1,594,746 Undead #41 #44 #41 #38
431,342,910 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 242,388,903,708 146,887,247,921 342,731,171,637 435,160,632,868
rioloco #35 3,116,380 Undead #25 #49 #44 #46
571,060,509 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 354,079,312,468 136,907,056,606 310,507,039,413 331,616,087,907
Janky #36 1,408,773 Undead #53 #24 #58 #30
472,541,201 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 205,820,612,381 332,300,808,934 231,940,398,349 591,393,841,747
Latin_community #37 698,042 Elves #37 #46 #36 #49
347,718,432 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 258,738,450,901 146,130,892,397 373,052,581,115 316,776,501,412
Ra_LoP #38 676,272 Undead #36 #27 #46 #59
210,658,642 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 260,644,447,408 270,859,867,076 295,818,669,636 267,028,206,841
Aries_Seira #39 806,577 Undead #38 #48 #48 #42
278,014,537 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 257,044,891,404 139,555,094,218 279,056,740,749 379,532,475,362
Foumpie #40 943,270 Orcs #68 #14 #65 #36
555,178,084 Gold Ringwraiths Titans Shield 160,204,692,798 735,554,934,933 207,332,025,543 449,776,047,982
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