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ERA 12 Start Date May 13, 2021 / End Date October 1, 2022
Name Rank Army Size Attack Rank Defend Rank Spy Rank Sentry Rank
Treasury     Siege     Fortification Attack Rating Defend Rating Spy Rating Sentry Rating
WXHarks #101 788,862 Orcs #102 #106 #129 #136
15,184,942 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 212,562,425,059 146,104,559,327 146,906,046,923 118,285,045,158
Oskar-RL #102 3,206,519 Dwarves #161 #72 #121 #122
257,626,835 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 122,950,450,701 233,741,461,902 158,073,234,062 143,335,766,427
swampdonkey #103 393,172 Hobbits #106 #139 #99 #132
208,121,901 Gold Ringwraiths Hand of God 204,254,457,170 78,010,706,792 195,960,642,368 122,183,113,911
jackdaw #104 77,195 Hobbits #158 #142 #108 #70
272,475,479 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 124,099,014,168 73,792,267,142 186,020,954,796 421,072,182,146
Backpass #105 4,124,222 Humans #196 #60 #130 #100
195,190,635 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 80,145,904,353 272,377,544,021 145,994,595,698 237,982,144,255
RickyRouse #106 2,104,881 Dwarves #153 #89 #137 #110
113,735,525 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 129,742,789,620 185,218,483,798 121,013,650,252 182,973,831,555
Zandrino #107 340,969 Dwarves #138 #54 #144 #154
196,332,953 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 151,510,991,434 294,205,062,311 106,729,465,424 75,946,364,543
PaPaPostal #108 1,669,482 Undead #117 #151 #107 #119
192,430,957 Gold Ringwraiths Hand of God 181,333,885,614 65,505,814,680 186,898,613,737 152,588,070,978
Shemp #109 3,152,351 Humans #173 #21 #172 #138
284,324,672 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 109,603,263,826 611,016,658,933 72,063,561,715 115,779,495,433
deadmau5 #110 335,611 Orcs #46 #213 #118 #127
83,959,782 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 416,203,228,765 22,746,707,902 160,309,263,264 130,607,997,789
PELLIE #111 221,784 Humans #27 #163 #167 #158
171,007,002 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 649,486,856,044 53,362,892,624 82,617,892,718 71,205,724,010
ElChilango #112 142,533 Elves #123 #156 #111 #128
393,295,324 Gold Ringwraiths Hand of God 169,528,624,043 58,830,961,119 177,705,618,075 129,427,774,410
lover-sr #113 708,453 Orcs #136 #135 #116 #133
40,558,227 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 153,582,716,827 81,620,122,117 166,116,248,934 120,245,527,466
IZAAK #114 2,177,703 Hobbits #160 #109 #133 #124
179,760,636 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 123,482,369,967 138,273,929,699 132,809,158,742 135,686,898,845
greenkraken1 #115 103,716 Humans #148 #103 #122 #155
270,063,510 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 132,003,842,874 155,701,129,379 157,813,004,739 74,861,767,931
OlMateGreg #116 883,772 Orcs #127 #131 #174 #103
98,947,238 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 164,924,909,136 82,871,395,324 70,591,531,424 208,379,339,075
zeolex #117 345,489 Dwarves #154 #92 #143 #147
176,014,381 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 128,666,446,029 182,115,455,948 106,780,465,971 102,864,963,248
Master9900- #118 1,036,813 Elves #185 #166 #47 #143
228,552,848 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 95,232,787,676 47,547,213,742 481,050,921,016 105,542,555,575
Tama #119 370,177 Dwarves #147 #76 #155 #167
21,762,566 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 134,173,985,166 226,795,623,418 92,335,908,118 62,090,969,123
Tommy999 #120 1,026,565 Orcs #124 #130 #147 #145
83,741,232 Gold Ringwraiths Gates of Hell 168,561,601,485 83,144,599,749 99,639,917,736 104,420,481,445
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