One does not simply set a timer to end the era. |
Become A Kings of Chaos Supporter |
** When you donate there is no need to contact us anymore to have your donor status added in game.
Your statsid will
now link to your donation (if you use Paypal app you will need to add your statsid or username to the comments). Players
can also gift Donator status to another player (donor status applies to 1 account per donation).
We will contact you to ask if you want donor status added to your account and Discord/want to gift your donation status to someone else.**
| You cannot buy your way to the top, you also cannot gain an advantage over others.
Your donation is purely help cover our costs and is appreciated.
Really who wants to play a game where it all comes down to who has the most real
$$$ to buy in game purchases and make the game owners wealthy?? Especially
when after the current round ends and all your shit gets reset you have to
more of your hard earned $$$ again thus making game owners even more
Donor status never gets reset, if you keep your current account in a new era.
If you create a new one contact admins and it will be added. |
So here is your chance to become a supporter of the game, it does
not matter how much you donate. Big or small it's up to you just rest assured
that what you contribute goes towards keeping this game free for everyone. |
►Donor status on your stats page that will let others know that even
you do not get an advantage over others you do have supporter status. |
►Donor status on our game chat on Discord. Your role gives you donor status and
you get access to the donor channel. |
►Donor status on the forum. |
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